Have you ever felt like you were drowning and no one was around to pull you out? If you are trying to make a success of a network marketing business and doing it on your own, you may identify with this guy. Trying to work a home based business by yourself is really difficult. Without support and the proper training, you can't hope to be as successful as someone who is being trained and supported by experts in the field. If you fit this description and are failing, I can promise you YOUR FAILURE SO FAR IS NOT YOUR FAULT!
You need a support system to succeed and the proper training you or are most likely to be part of the 90% that traditionally don't succeed in network marketing.
Here are some recent numbers I think are pretty astonishing. My group is part of a pretty good-size network market1ng company. Our team uses the "Success In 10 Steps" E-book by Michael Dlouhy to find prospects, and others in the company use other means.
Our team brought in 62% of the company's new business for the month of April.
- 82% of the company's new business for May.
- 85% of the company's new business for June.
My mentors have a 60% to even 90% RETENTION RATE! That is the same as the dropout rate of those that don't succeed using the traditional methods, our success rate is the same as the average failure rate!
Our team brought in 62% of the company's new business for the month of April.
- 82% of the company's new business for May.
- 85% of the company's new business for June.
My mentors have a 60% to even 90% RETENTION RATE! That is the same as the dropout rate of those that don't succeed using the traditional methods, our success rate is the same as the average failure rate!
"Success In 10 Steps" is generic. No companies or products are mentioned. No affiliate links are included. The point of the E-book is to find the Warriors in M-L-M, and to help you connect with them. This is a very effective system.
The traditional way is to make a list of friends and family, and call them to try to get them to a meeting to hear your 'plan'. The trouble with this is you are probably talking to people that don't have an interest in network marketing or even working a home based business! You have to work to get them to just listen to the idea of making money from a network marketing business. We say leave your friends and family alone! These guys are showing me how to find people already wanting to work a home based business. I skip this step completely, the people I talk to want to hear what I have to say!
It is a great ride, and fun since I am talking to others excited about the concept of network marketing. I don't have to get them excited about network marketing first, instead I talk to people looking for a way to make money from home, and I teach them how to think critically about the offers and opportunities out there.
I didn't have success before but I am now and it is exciting. I am looking forward to being able to work my business and make my art when I want to. I am that much closer to owning my life, are you?
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