Lead generation can be a real bear! When asking people what their biggest struggles are, they almost always say finding people to talk to, finding MLM LEADS.
Generating leads should be easy, and fun! If you are struggling, you are not working smart, you are working hard. .
There are many ways to generate MLM leads. You can generate them offline, the old fashioned way or you can generate them online, the easy and fun way.
Generating MLM leads offline is,the old way to get them, it is hard and filled with rejection. These leads are found by:
- Making a list, friends and family, very much not targeted and a warm market.
- talking to people on the street, people you meet at the grocery store, the laundry mat, anywere else you go as you run your errands through out the day, a very cold market!
- buying leads, mostly scams and working hard and making money for the lead generation company, many times the same people that recruited you in the first place to that great MLM!
- buying booth at trade shows and flea markets, can be really expensive, again a COLD market and not targeted at all.
- postcards and other direct mail. Really expensive and really random, not targeted.
While these strategies have worked in the past by a select few, they don't work well for the majority of the people that get into network marketing. If it did, the dropout rate wouldn't be at 90% on an average! Truth is most of us just don't have that salesman talent to convince someone that network marketing is the way to go to make money working from home, and then to 'sell' them on our particular company. Most of us also don't have the ability to keep doing that so that as our 'sold' leads drop out because they can't do this, we can replace them with new associates. The old way of selling your leads on your opportunity will not give most of us the success we are looking for.
Using the 'age way' of generating leads online is the way to go. It eliminates most of the problems you have doing it the old way, if you do it properly.
A modern MLM company needs to use the internet, it is the level playing field for all of us to find TARGETED OPTIMIZED LEADS for our organizations. This way we make our own warm market, and ensure that we are talking to people that are already interested in Network Marketing, and already wanting to talk to us about what we are doing. Remember that network marketing is a relationship business, not a sales business. Don't try to sell your leads like they were marks, make them your friends. Give them reasons to like and trust you, and them tell them what your are doing. but always with their best interests in mind. Zig Ziggler's famous quote, "if you help enough people to get what they want, you will get what you want" is especially true in this business.
Finding leads online doesn't mean paying for them, it means attracting them to you. Here are a few ways you can do this:
- The social networks, a great place to let everyone know what you are doing and invite them to check out what you have to offer. For the most part it is free advertising, and a great way to make friends first.
- Safelists. A great way to share your company with like minded people.
- Articles and blogs. There are many free places that you can post articles. Blogs are just a string of articles and ideas in one place. You can pay for a self hosted blog or use on like this, both will help to get the word out and show others what you can do for them.
- Traffic exchanges are also a free way to advertise. They take more time than some and it really is a matter of getting your ad or webpage out there consistently so people seeing it will start to find it familiar and stop to see what it is.
- Commenting on other peoples articles and blogs. One of the most important things you need to do is brand your self, get your name out there so people relate you with an authority on network marketing. Your comments can create links that will help the articles and blogs you write get noticed and the people you comment on will appreciate it and many times comment on your articles as well. This give you a more favorable rating and gets your pages found much easier. More exposure, more interested people in what you are doing. You will be recognized and more sought out by OPTIMEZED TARGETED LEADS.
These are just a few of the ways you can make your search for like minded people much easier and more fun. It is a great way to expand and give you a never ending stream of targeted leads to talk to. The way to the steady walk away income is to find associates that will stay and grow with you. The more you retain, the easier your task will be and the more successful you will be in making network marketing work. The old way is out, the new way is in and working. Try it, you will like it!
NOTE: Finding a system to help you and give you guidence will be a great asset. Find a mastermind group that can help show you the pitfalls and keep you from making the same mistakes they have will be a great help as well. There are many such groups out there and most will want you to pay for the information. While it is information you need, it need not cost you. I found a group called Mentoring for Free that teaches you jus thow to do it and it is totally free. They will coach you and help you to weed out the expensive methods and how to apply the free ones so that you get all you can out of your efforts. They are teaching me to work smart, not hard, and I am having fun? Want proof, the people I am working with have a retention rate of 65% up to even 90% by one mentor, that is opposed to the 10% the industry averages. They must be doing something right! .