Think about it, when you were a kid, learning to ride a bike, you had to learn judgement as well as the mechanics of steering and balancing on the bike. You didn't just get on and ride first thing. And when you had that down your parents probably had rules, no riding in the street when you were really young, because your judgement was not up to your skills, you couldn't judge how to safely ride with the possible traffic that could come your way. They kept you on less busy streets at first, until they were sure you knew to look both ways before crossing and you were better at judging what kind of terrain you could handle without losing control. You didn't throw off the training wheels and venture out onto a well traveled road! Your pay plan then was the added Independence as you matured and learned how to handle the bike!
So don't forget the important homework:
- Read uplifting, self development books like Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich", "The strangest secret" by Earl Nightingale Conant, or "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey (personal effectiveness).
- Find a mastermind group to keep you focused. The more time you spend around the people you want to become the better off you are.
- Write down your goals and update them regularly. Put pictures up to keep them foremost in your thoughts and keep your energy up.
- Develop a self talk to teach your ego, your subconscious mind what you want it to work on. The old saying 'garbage in, garbage out!' If you want the good stuff, you have to feed good stuff to your brain.
- Take your advice from experts, be a critical thinker and check out the people you are getting advice from. If you are working on growing a business, you want to make sure the people that you are getting the advice from someone that has been there, not just someone that wants your money! Make sure the mentors you are listening to have done the same things you are about to do. You want to use them as an example, so make sure they are someone you want to follow.